VxWorks Reference Manual : Libraries



zbufSockLib - zbuf socket interface library


zbufSockLibInit( ) - initialize the zbuf socket interface library
zbufSockSend( ) - send zbuf data to a TCP socket
zbufSockSendto( ) - send a zbuf message to a UDP socket
zbufSockBufSend( ) - create a zbuf from user data and send it to a TCP socket
zbufSockBufSendto( ) - create a zbuf from a user message and send it to a UDP socket
zbufSockRecv( ) - receive data in a zbuf from a TCP socket
zbufSockRecvfrom( ) - receive a message in a zbuf from a UDP socket


This library contains routines that communicate over BSD sockets using the zbuf interface described in the zbufLib manual page. These zbuf socket calls communicate over BSD sockets in a similar manner to the socket routines in sockLib, but they avoid copying data unnecessarily between application buffers and network buffers.


zbufSockLib, zbufLib, sockLib, VxWorks Programmer's Guide: Network

Libraries : Routines

zbufSockLibInit( )


zbufSockLibInit( ) - initialize the zbuf socket interface library


STATUS zbufSockLibInit (void)


This routine initializes the zbuf socket interface library. It must be called before any zbuf socket routines are used. It is called automatically when the configuration macro INCLUDE_ZBUF_SOCK is defined.


OK, or ERROR if the zbuf socket interface could not be initialized.



Libraries : Routines

zbufSockSend( )


zbufSockSend( ) - send zbuf data to a TCP socket


int zbufSockSend
    int     s,       /* socket to send to */
    ZBUF_ID zbufId,  /* zbuf to transmit */
    int     zbufLen, /* length of entire zbuf */
    int     flags    /* flags to underlying protocols */


This routine transmits all of the data in zbufId to a previously established connection-based (stream) socket.

The zbufLen parameter is used only for determining the amount of space needed from the socket write buffer. zbufLen has no effect on how many bytes are sent; the entire zbuf is always transmitted. If the length of zbufId is not known, the caller must first determine it by calling zbufLength( ).

This routine transfers ownership of the zbuf from the user application to the VxWorks network stack. The zbuf ID zbufId is deleted by this routine, and should not be used after the routine is called, even if an ERROR status is returned. (Exceptions: when the routine fails because the zbuf socket interface library was not initialized or an invalid zbuf ID was passed in, in which case there is no zbuf to delete. Moreover, if the call fails during a non-blocking I/O socket write with an errno of EWOULDBLOCK, then zbufId is not deleted; thus the caller may send it again at a later time.)

You may OR the following values into the flags parameter with this operation:

MSG_OOB (0x1)
Out-of-band data.

Send without using routing tables.


The number of bytes sent, or ERROR if the call fails.


zbufSockLib, zbufLength( ), zbufSockBufSend( ), send( )

Libraries : Routines

zbufSockSendto( )


zbufSockSendto( ) - send a zbuf message to a UDP socket


int zbufSockSendto
    int               s,       /* socket to send to */
    ZBUF_ID           zbufId,  /* zbuf to transmit */
    int               zbufLen, /* length of entire zbuf */
    int               flags,   /* flags to underlying protocols */
    struct sockaddr * to,      /* recipient's address */
    int               tolen    /* length of to socket addr */


This routine sends the entire message in zbufId to the datagram socket named by to. The socket s is the sending socket.

The zbufLen parameter is used only for determining the amount of space needed from the socket write buffer. zbufLen has no effect on how many bytes are sent; the entire zbuf is always transmitted. If the length of zbufId is not known, the caller must first determine it by calling zbufLength( ).

This routine transfers ownership of the zbuf from the user application to the VxWorks network stack. The zbuf ID zbufId is deleted by this routine, and should not be used after the routine is called, even if an ERROR status is returned. (Exceptions: when the routine fails because the zbuf socket interface library was not initialized or an invalid zbuf ID was passed in, in which case there is no zbuf to delete. Moreover, if the call fails during a non-blocking I/O socket write with an errno of EWOULDBLOCK, then zbufId is not deleted; thus the caller may send it again at a later time.)

You may OR the following values into the flags parameter with this operation:

MSG_OOB (0x1)
Out-of-band data.

Send without using routing tables.


The number of bytes sent, or ERROR if the call fails.


zbufSockLib, zbufLength( ), zbufSockBufSendto( ), sendto( )

Libraries : Routines

zbufSockBufSend( )


zbufSockBufSend( ) - create a zbuf from user data and send it to a TCP socket


int zbufSockBufSend
    int         s,       /* socket to send to */
    char *      buf,     /* pointer to data buffer */
    int         bufLen,  /* number of bytes to send */
    VOIDFUNCPTR freeRtn, /* free routine callback */
    int         freeArg, /* argument to free routine */
    int         flags    /* flags to underlying protocols */


This routine creates a zbuf from the user buffer buf, and transmits it to a previously established connection-based (stream) socket.

The user-provided free routine callback at freeRtn is called when buf is no longer in use by the TCP/IP network stack. Applications can exploit this callback to receive notification that buf is free. If freeRtn is NULL, the routine functions normally, except that the application has no way of being notified when buf is released by the network stack. The free routine runs in the context of the task that last references the buffer. This is typically either the context of tNetTask, or the context of the caller's task. Declare freeRtn as follows (using whatever name is convenient):

      void freeCallback
          caddr_t     buf,    /* pointer to user buffer */
          int         freeArg /* user-provided argument to free routine */
You may OR the following values into the flags parameter with this operation:

MSG_OOB (0x1)
Out-of-band data.

Send without using routing tables.


The number of bytes sent, or ERROR if the call fails.


zbufSockLib, zbufSockSend( ), send( )

Libraries : Routines

zbufSockBufSendto( )


zbufSockBufSendto( ) - create a zbuf from a user message and send it to a UDP socket


int zbufSockBufSendto
    int               s,       /* socket to send to */
    char *            buf,     /* pointer to data buffer */
    int               bufLen,  /* number of bytes to send */
    VOIDFUNCPTR       freeRtn, /* free routine callback */
    int               freeArg, /* argument to free routine */
    int               flags,   /* flags to underlying protocols */
    struct sockaddr * to,      /* recipient's address */
    int               tolen    /* length of to socket addr */


This routine creates a zbuf from the user buffer buf, and sends it to the datagram socket named by to. The socket s is the sending socket.

The user-provided free routine callback at freeRtn is called when buf is no longer in use by the UDP/IP network stack. Applications can exploit this callback to receive notification that buf is free. If freeRtn is NULL, the routine functions normally, except that the application has no way of being notified when buf is released by the network stack. The free routine runs in the context of the task that last references the buffer. This is typically either tNetTask context, or the caller's task context. Declare freeRtn as follows (using whatever name is convenient):

      void freeCallback
          caddr_t     buf,    /* pointer to user buffer */
          int         freeArg /* user-provided argument to free routine */
You may OR the following values into the flags parameter with this operation:

MSG_OOB (0x1)
Out-of-band data.

Send without using routing tables.


The number of bytes sent, or ERROR if the call fails.


zbufSockLib, zbufSockSendto( ), sendto( )

Libraries : Routines

zbufSockRecv( )


zbufSockRecv( ) - receive data in a zbuf from a TCP socket


ZBUF_ID zbufSockRecv
    int   s,     /* socket to receive data from */
    int   flags, /* flags to underlying protocols */
    int * pLen   /* number of bytes requested/returned */


This routine receives data from a connection-based (stream) socket, and returns the data to the user in a newly created zbuf.

The pLen parameter indicates the number of bytes requested by the caller. If the operation is successful, the number of bytes received is copied to pLen.

You may OR the following values into the flags parameter with this operation:

MSG_OOB (0x1)
Out-of-band data.

MSG_PEEK (0x2)
Return data without removing it from socket.

Once the user application is finished with the zbuf, zbufDelete( ) should be called to return the zbuf memory buffer to the VxWorks network stack.


The zbuf ID of a newly created zbuf containing the received data, or NULL if the operation fails.


zbufSockLib, recv( )

Libraries : Routines

zbufSockRecvfrom( )


zbufSockRecvfrom( ) - receive a message in a zbuf from a UDP socket


ZBUF_ID zbufSockRecvfrom
    int               s,       /* socket to receive from */
    int               flags,   /* flags to underlying protocols */
    int *             pLen,    /* number of bytes requested/returned */
    struct sockaddr * from,    /* where to copy sender's addr */
    int *             pFromLen /* value/result length of from */


This routine receives a message from a datagram socket, and returns the message to the user in a newly created zbuf.

The message is received regardless of whether the socket is connected. If from is nonzero, the address of the sender's socket is copied to it. Initialize the value-result parameter pFromLen to the size of the from buffer. On return, pFromLen contains the actual size of the address stored in from.

The pLen parameter indicates the number of bytes requested by the caller. If the operation is successful, the number of bytes received is copied to pLen.

You may OR the following values into the flags parameter with this operation:

MSG_OOB (0x1)
Out-of-band data.

MSG_PEEK (0x2)
Return data without removing it from socket.

Once the user application is finished with the zbuf, zbufDelete( ) should be called to return the zbuf memory buffer to the VxWorks network stack.


The zbuf ID of a newly created zbuf containing the received message, or NULL if the operation fails.

