HP 9121 Firmware ================ hp9121.bin is an 8K ROM image for the firmware from an HP 9121 disk drive. hp9121.asm is the reverse engineered source code with comments, the header contains the following copyright notice: ; commented disassembly of HP9121 firmware ; commented 2012 by Holger Veit ; provided as is under Creative Commons License CC-BY-SA ; http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ ; ; No warranty is given that documented information is ; completely correct; the author (who commented it) ; is not responsible for any damage resulting from the ; use of this information. ; ; Note: this might look like valid assembler but might not work at all. ; This is only for documentation, and not intended to be usable ; for producing binaries or ROMs. Many thanks to Holger for permission to publish this on the web. The source code was produced using IDA disassembler, this code is not compatible with any 6809 assembler 'as-is'.