Randy Hick's VT100 trouble analysis of video monitor board 1. White lines left side - C103 2. Small characters top row - CR304 3. Blank, white raster, balloned display - C439 and CR408 This is a very common problem to find C439 blown, and CR408 burned and/or blown. These components are replaced by... CR408 Diode 1N4004 C439 Electolytic capacitor 75uF, 16V 4. Skinny letters right side - Q414 and C441 5. Jumpy screen (alternating fuzzy and clear) - C486 and C487 6. Very light screen (almost blank) - CR102 7. Misshapen characters - C103 8. Very wide characters, horizontal and vertical - CR409 9. Narrow screen - L402 10. Screen overlap (center) and narrow right - C437