-*- Mode:Text -*- CURRENT CONVENTIONS ZMACS KEYSTROKES: COMPILING/DISASSEMBLING: Hyper-Shift-c Fleabit compile and download (w/ numeric arg, show (debug :post); with neg arg, send to COMPILER-OUTPUT) Hyper-Super-c Fleabit disassemble (:post debug) and send to the COMPILER-OUTPUT buffer Hyper-c Same as #\hyper-shfit-c except that not downloaded Hyper-m Fleabit macro expand (needs numeric arg option for sending output to a buffer, "MACRO-EXPAND-OUTPUT") Hyper-Shift-M Recursive Fleabit macro expand (not yet implemented) INSERTING COMMENTS: Control-$ Inserts a "$$$"-style CTS template on the current line Control-@ Inserts a "@@@"-style CTS template on the current line Control-+ Inserts a "+++"-style CTS template on the current line Control-& Inserts a "&&&"-style CTS template on the current line (note this type of CTS should only go at the beginnings of files.) CODING PRACTICES: "The character % will be used to precede all internal functions and variable names."