-*- Mode:Text; Package:USER; Readtable:CL -*- ---Things I need/would like from the Network software for Serial-IP: [DONE] *** A way of refusing to enable my driver when the user presses 'enable'. I.e., change :ENABLE s.t. the function it calls for the driver must return non-NIL before the protocol sets NI-ENABLED. [DONE] * On DEFSTREAM, I'd like to define a default-handler. (For Serial-IP, messages not implemented for the protocol stream should go to the SDU serial device.) IGNORE is currently defined as the default handler. DEFSTREAM could parse the standard DEFSELECT syntax, s.t. if STRUCT-NAME is a cons, it is (STRUCT-NAME DEFAULT-HANDLER). ---Miscellaneous Network problems/suggestions: [DONE] * Add as (NO-WINDOW-CALLS) in NETWORK-USER: DIRED MAIL (or better, just coerce args to force it not to use editor) [DONE] * When the Telnet user window can't deal with an Internet address (e.g. one which is not known as a host on the local net), it doesn't issue an error message, just a reprompt. ---Things I need to do in Serial-IP: ** Modem handling - I need 2 phone lines dropped into the lab, and another modem. ELSE: - Get hi-speed modems and dedicated 3002 4-wire line from NET **** Peek controls: - baud rate - site names * Add SLIP, SPROTO to SYS:SYS;SYSDCL.LISP to define the new systems. * Talk to rick@seismo.ARP: - is there a standard protocol for shutting down? - a site I can test against? - confirm protocol character values