;;;-*- Mode:text-*- BIGNUM File: Most of the problem I encountered are in instructions that try to access memory using a pointer and an offset. Let us suppose that register a0 has an offset and a1 a pointer. We can distinguish two cases: (1) a0 has a boxed quantity. In this case, we must specify the byte width of the instruction that adds the pointer and the offset, such that we preserve the tag field of the pointer. The instruction for a memory read would then be of the form: (alu L+R vma-start-read a0 a1 bw-24 [un]Boxed-vma [un]Boxed-md) Notice that the register with the pointer is used as the right source of the alu. The result takes the top 8 bits from the right source. Most of the bugs seens in the bignum files are of two folds: the register containing the pointer is used as the left source, and the width of the operation is unspecified. Since the width in bits over which the operation is to be performed is unspecified, the result contains a bogus tag that is the sum of the tags of the two operands. If we are lucky we will error because of a transporter trap. (2) a0 has an unboxed quantity. In this case, provided that the tag field of the offset is all zero, it is ok to use a bw-32 width, and any order in the operands. The instruction can be written as follows: (alu L+R vma-start-read a0 a1 [un]Boxed-vma [Un]Boxed-md) I suspect that they are still some bugs in the bignum handlers. Each function should be tested to make sure that bignum routines are working. I think that I caught all the bugs in the function BIGNUM-FIELD-PASS, although more testing of the routines will be appropriate. ARRAYS See documentation on array from Raen. There are two make-array functions : one (called make-array) is CommonLisp and the other (called zl-make-array) is zeta-lisp compatible. Most of the array functions listed in the Steele CommonLisp book are implemented and can be found in one of the two files : ARRAY and ARRAY2. Still to be done is ADJUST-ARRAY. K-UC-TV File: All the function that are in the microcode file uc-tv are implemented in lisp for the K. A driver for character drawing has to be written. The driver test to see if the current drawing of a row will fit on a single word of wideo buffer memory, if so call the fast version of character drawing, otherwise call the slow version. The fast version has been tested but not the slow version. Global variables are used for caching the sheet's parameter and the font characteristics. DrawLine, DrawRectangle, and BITBLT have been fully tested and do work. May be it should be tried again just to make sure that every in that file does what it is supposed to do. AnyWay to use the code in the K-UC-TV file, you must load also VCMEM-DRIVER file that contains the code that initializes the VCMEM Board. All test function are contained in the test file "YOUCEF.K;tests". NUBUS-INTERRUPTS FILE All addresses and data arguments for the functions accessing the bus are unboxed. Virtual Cluster 4 is reserved for bus accesses. When doing a bus access, one store bits 31-12 of the unboxed address in the map entry associated with cluster 4, to setup the map. Write the data into the MD register if it is a write operation. Use the value of the variable *bus-access-address* and the low 12 bits of the address to generate the value to put into the VMA, and start the memory cycle. On entry of all bus access, we make sure that the memory system if free for use (we just try to access the MD register). Remember that to supply byte addresses all the time. Byte accesses are supported as well as 16 bit accesses. For either of these operations, one needs to setup the memory control register to reflect the type of operation. For byte addresses, the last two bits of the address determine which byte to read/write, and for 16 bit access, bit 1 of the address determines which low or high half to use. For write operations, the data must be placed in the appropriate place before the write. For read operations, the data must be picked out of the right field from the contents of the MD. (for more details refer to the code in the file "NUBUS-INTERRUPTS"). In the file, there also exists a set of functions that allocate space in virtual address space, without allocating any physical memory, i.e., the physical space is non local to the K processor. A good example is the video buffer. WINDOW ORIENTED DEBUGGER Register Display: Display routines for the register do work. The updating of the window that display the open, active, and return registers is done after each instruction when single stepping. Each boxed value is mouse sensitive, unboxed values are not. A boxed value is indicated by a star"*". Selecting a register and clicking right, pops up a menu of choices. Lisp Object Display: The hex value displayed can be viewed as a lisp object in the lisp object display window. If the type of the quantity is unknown, or if the code to handle a data type in written yet, the window displays "Unknown object". Lines describing an object can be expanded by clicking on the line and collapsed by double clicking on the line. A middle mouse click on a line will remove it from the display. Menu: Items in the menu are not handled properly by the system. It needs more work. Memory Display: The display is like the show memory in kbug2. It displays 16 memory location at a time. If the data type of the pointer to memory is known, the code will try to access the lowest address associated with the object at hand and display the next 16 words of memory from there. So far it handles arrays. Call Stack window: Needs to be redone to display any call hardware operations, like open, call and returns. I tried to have it only track function calls which the wrong thing to do on the k machine. Lisp Listener or Rep loop: So far just calls the listener or rep loop. Nothing special has been done to it.