-*- Mode:Text; Tab-Width:5 -*- 148 5th Street, Apartment Two Cambridge, MA 02141 May 31, 1988 Inspector In Charge P.O. Box 2217 Boston, MA 02205-2217 Dear Inspector: I am writing in regard to a recent incident which occurred both by mail and by phone. I received the enclosed card in the mail, which I construed to be a prize notification (due largely to the use of the word "receive"). I called the first number listed on the card (at my own expense) and requested to speak with Ms. Regan. The operator who answered informed me that Ms. Regan was unavailable, and assured me she could help me when I mentioned the card I had received. She proceeded to ask for the code to the left of Ms. Regan's signature, all of the information on the mailing label, and my home phone number. I cooperated and gave her all of this information. She then gave me the promised "complete information," which included a price tag of "$299.99". You will note I wrote that figure in red ink on the card as we conversed (it did not come written on the card originally). I was told that an immediate reply was required. I remarked that I had not expected a business transaction on the phone call, as the wording of the card had led me to believe I had won something. The operator grew irritated and informed me that it was "not a business transaction" and that I "hadn't entered any sweepstakes." I was told (somewhat superfluously) that this was a "Bonus Offer" and that I could give my credit card number over the phone to her at that time. She added that I "couldn't spend two days in the Bahamas at that price." When I replied that I desired a "think it over" period, she grew even more annoyed and told me that she wasn't going "to argue with me," she simply needed a "Yes" or a "No". I replied that I would have to say no without time to consider; she said "Fine. Goodbye." and hung up. To me there are three major questions that disturb me about this incident and its potential aftermath: 1. Who are these people, and where did they get my address? 2. Was this sales tactic a legitimate one, or am I overreacting in writing to you? How many people got such an opportunity? One? Ten? Ten thousand? Never knowing the answer to this particular question is most frustrating. 3. To what use will the additional information I gave them (my home telephone number) be put? From the details of the "complete information," it sounded like a real bargain, possibly a once-in-a-lifetime one. My only reason for declining their offer was the on-the-spot nature of the transaction. For all I knew, they would debit my credit account and then claim to have never heard of me again when I called up to make reservations. Please let me know what you can find out about this incident -- I am willing to rest on your judgement in the matter. Sincerely Yours, David Saslav 148 Fifth St., Apt. 2 Cambridge, MA 02141 617-354-8824