-*- Mode:Text; Package:USER -*- NOTE:THIS DIRECTORY (INDEX-SOURCES) IS NOT TO BE RELEASED. These are the source files that were used to create the printed (stand-alone) Chineual Index, and the on-line ODM index that was produced from it. I am putting them in the Gateway directory to be sure they cannot get lost, since future implementors of the Chineual and ODM Indexes will not want to start over. The files in this directory are: SOURCE-FOR-CHINEUAL-INDEX.TEXT SOURCE-FOR-ODM-INDEX.TEXT These are the basic sources. The Chineual Index source has many mechanically-produced permutations of entries. These do not appear in the ODM Index source. They were supposed to be put in after the human-intervention phase of conversion from page numbers to nodenames was done, but they never were. CHINEUAL-INDEX-FOR-PRINTER.TEXT The final, formatted, hand-tweaked file that was printed as the Chineual Index. PAGE-NODENAME-TRANSLATION-TABLE.TEXT A mapping of page numbers to nodenames. Has an entry for each Chineual node (corresponding to a decimalized section) that has one or more lines on each Chineual page. ODM-INDEX-MAKER.LISP ODM-INDEX-MAKER.QFASL A program that reads SOURCE-FOR-ODM-INDEX.TEXT and PAGE-NODENAME-TRANSLATION-TABLE.TEXT, and replaces page numbers with nodenames, thereby mostly accomplishing the creation of the ODM Index from the Chineual Index. Where a page contains text from only one node, the transform is done automatically for all index entries for that page. Where a page contains more than one node, the program pops up a choice box for each index entry for that page, so the user can tell the program which node the entry refers to (a natural intelligence application). The program lets you quit or restart at the beginning of any page. It has no protection against bogus data. ODM-INDEX-PART-1.TEXT ODM-INDEX-PART-2.TEXT The output of the ODM-INDEX-MAKER program, divided into two files for convenience. Dividing these files into nodes of reasonable size creates the ODM index.