MEMORANDUM TO: Bill O'Brien FROM: Keith Corbett DATE: 7/23/87 SUBJ: Update on VAX System Purchase/Upgrade Investigation COPY: Ron Genest, Clovis Regis This memo is a further update you on our options and prices for purchasing a new VAX and/or upgrade to the existing MicroVAX. 1. The existing 750: we agreed to accept Westinghouse's offer to sell us the 750 for $10K. Clovis referred me to Jim Dunlop; he is out of town through Monday. I'll work with him to make sure the 750 is included in the bill of sale from them. 2. My preliminary cost estimate for a new MicroVAX was high. Hamilton Avnet's quote is as follows for a second MicroVAX with the configuration I believe will work: * MicroVAX II with VMS, 8 users cost: $67,849.19 - 13mb memory - 12 terminal/printer ports - TK50 cartridge boot device - system disk (70mb) - RA60 removeable disk (205mb) - auxiliary 1/2" tape device * extra RA60 disk pack cost: $ 875.00 * LAVC (Local Area VAX Cluster) cost: $ 3,923.65 hardware and software to link the two MicroVAXES * one DecWriter (line-printer) * DEC software licenses (to copy) cost: $20,???.?? - DBMS, CDD, TDMS, DTR * DEC software (media & license) cost: $15,070.51 - VMS, LAVC, FORTRAN * DEC system maintenance cost: $??,???.?? * 6 Wyse terminals, 1 modem As I see it we have two options for our long-term VAX needs. The rough costs I've worked up so far are listed. 1) Purchase a second VAX to support a distributed ASK setup, with ASK/Serviceman [SV] running on the second VAX. Cost: $90-110K + TCP/IP (unknown) 2) Upgrade the existing MicroVAX to accomodate SV; it needs more terminal ports, user licenses, memory, disk. Cost: probably at least $25K Then either: (a) purchase a VAX 750 to replace the one we have (which is not maintainable long-term) Cost: $40-50K + TCP/IP (b) purchase the old 750 from Westinghouse and upgrade it with DEC parts (especially a real tape drive) to extend its life. Cost: unknown Obviously my bias is toward option 1: purchasing a second system will allow us room to grow with ASK for a long time (up to 32 users), and will provide plenty of capacity to support other in-house needs for software manufacturing and testing. However, when we have firm prices for the system purchase vs. upgrade, we can choose the best cost solution. Before we can get prices, we have to determine the minimal configuration required for SV. There are several tasks to be completed (mostly by myself): * I have a lot of ASK manuals to finish reading. * I need to meet with (at least) Ron and Gina to go over the SV sizing (configuration load) routine. * I need to meet with an ASK technical specialist to go over the results of the sizing. -1- STATUS OF VAX SYSTEM PURCHASE/UPGRADE INVESTIGATION -2- After working with ASK on the sizing, I can get quotes on both options. In parallel, I am getting prices from a third-party. I asked DEC to refer someone from Sales, but instead they put me in touch with Jim Gill of Hamilton-Avnet. (Apparently DEC is not very interested in selling just one small system.) Last week I met with Hamilton-Avnet and described our needs. We are dealing with a hypothetical configuration, but I can approximate our needs as follows: Based on a range of memory/disk configurations, Hamilton-Avnet estimates a full hardware system price of between $85K and $110K. Hamilton-Avnet is sending me quotes for systems in this range which we can use in conjunction with information from ASK to make the best deal. I don't have an estimate for optional DEC software yet. Except for FORTRAN, the options should have been delivered with our MicroVAX. I will look into the prices on "license to copy" agreements from DEC. If, based on discussions with ASK, it turns out we can effectively upgrade the existing MicroVAX (option 2 above), we could then purchase the used VAX-750 from MMC, Inc. to meet our non-ASK internal needs (option 2a). The used 750 would be a substantial improvement over the 750 we are using now for software duplication and testing. I believe they are looking for about $45K, but they may accept as little as $35K. MMC states that they can transfer the VMS license to us. The only major additional cost under any option will be to purchase TCP/IP from Excelan. If we buy the used 750, we might be able to kludge this together from what we already have on the old 750. KMC