[OPTION 1] Upgrading existing MicroVAX to 13mb: By ASK's performance criteria (3 users per 1mb), this configuration would presumably support 32 users (with added port controllers). By more rational critera, it should support 20, with potential of at most 28-32 (by going to 16mb per system). The only further upgrade paths are 1) adding and clustering a second MicroVAX (see below), or 2) switching to an 8000-series processor (on the order of $400,000). [OPTION 2] Adding and clustering 2 13mb MicroVAXes: This maximizes our growth path, by working on 2 systems. By ASK's performance criteria (3 users per 1mb), this configuration would presumably support 64 users (with added port controllers). By more rational critera, it should support 40, with potential of at most 56-64 (by going to 16mb per system). This is also a setup more compatible with terminal-serving capability; by adding terminal servers we could hook up the entire company for (contention-based) electronic mail and conferencing.