MEMORANDUM TO: Ron Genest, Gina Pallozzi, Caroline Rollins, Pat Kelly, Dan Remeika, Sandi Stewart FROM: Keith Corbett DATE: 7/20/87 SUBJ: SERVICEMAN Implementation Team Meeting COPY: David Lee, Bill O'Brien, Clovis Regis This memo is to invite you to the first SERVICEMAN implementation project team meeting. I would like to get together in the conference room on Thursday, 7/23, at 1:30 PM. This will give us a chance to go over project plans and responsibilities before the regular ASK meeting on Friday. Thank you for "volunteering" to participate in this arduous (but eventually rewarding) process! Attachment A is my first attempt at a listing of the interfaces involved with SERVICEMAN, and the people with both implementation and ongoing (daily) responsibility for their own areas. THIS IS JUST A FIRST PASS, and will be the primary topic of discussion at our first meeting. Ron and I will have overall responsibility for definition, e.g. of system flags, record and item definitions, and procedures. Other people are listed in parentheses where they are responsible for definition and maintenance, not necessarily ongoing data entry. Attachment B is a first attempt at a listing of an implementation plan. This is far from complete; I have a lot more reading to do. After the meeting we can divide up the documentation for photo-copying individual pieces. Each person involved in definition SERVICEMAN FUNCTION RESPONSIBILITY CHART FUNCTION/DATA DEPARTMENT(S) (DEFINITION), RESPONSIBILITY --------------- ------------- ---------------------------- *Service Units Products, serial #s Sales/Service (Keith, Ron, Gina), Gina, Caroline Subassemblies Sales/Service Gina, Caroline Fault Codes Service (Keith, Ron), Caroline QC tracking Service/Mfg (Keith, Ron, Clovis), Caroline, [Q/C???] --------------- ------------- ---------------------------- *Dispatch entry Service Caroline, home reps --------------- ------------- ---------------------------- *Logistics Parts Service/Mfg. (Sandi), Gina, Caroline Locations, stocking Service/Mfg. (Ron, Clovis, Sandi) Requisitions Service/Mfg. Caroline, Dan --------------- ------------- ---------------------------- *Customers Contracts/types Sales Gina Sites/types Sales/Service Gina, Caroline --------------- ------------- ---------------------------- *Engineering/Support Service Engineers Ron, Keith Region codes Ron, Keith Skill codes Ron, Keith, Caroline Labor activity codes (Ron, Keith), Caroline Labor rate codes (Ron, Keith), Caroline, Gina --------------- ------------- ---------------------------- *Accounting Sales/Acctg. General ledger Gina, Pat Invoicing Gina, Pat Inventory Pat Payroll ??? (optional interface) Expenses ??? (optional interface) --------------- ------------- ---------------------------- SERVICEMAN IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 1.0 HARDWARE SITE PREPARATION / INSTALLATION Coordinator: Keith Corbett 1.1 VAX purchase/upgrade prices (Keith, L.Gill) 1.2 Fund/commit purchase/upgrade (Bill O.) 1.3 Build lab room (Clovis) 1.4 Install H/W 2.0 SYSTEM INSTALLATION (Keith) 2.1 Install H/W in lab (vendor) 2.2 Install system S/W 3.0 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION (ASK, Keith) 3.1 VMS (Keith) 3.2 DEC options (Keith) 3.3 ASK (ASK) 3.4 Verify test databases 4.0 LOADING INITIAL DATABASE 4.1 Prepare coding forms (Gina, Caroline, Keith) 4.2 Dump reports, configurations, etc. (Gina, Caroline) 4.3 Define master items 4.3.1 Product codes 4.3.2 Unit serial id's 4.3.3 QC, fault codes 4.3.4 Subassemblies and parts 4.3.5 Regions, locations, lots 4.3.6 Sparing levels (Ron) 4.3.7 Engineer profiles 4.3.8 GL accounts 4.3.9 Intransit accounts 4.4 Key master records 4.5 Fill in coding forms / review coded data 4.6 Key site data 4.6.1 Sites 4.6.2 Contracts 4.6.3 Units 4.6.4 Engineers 4.6.5 Inventory 4.7 Key open service calls / IR's 4.8 Key open requisitions (RMAs) 5.0 Service Call Handling 5.1 Dispatch procedures 5.2 Rep training; new forms? 5.3 Daily process scheduling (e.g. batch schedule) *Service Units Products, serial #s Sales/Service (Keith, Ron, Gina), Gina, Caroline Subassemblies Sales/Service Gina, Caroline Fault Codes Service (Keith, Ron), Caroline QC tracking Service/Mfg (Keith, Ron, Clovis), Caroline, [Q/C???] --------------- ------------- ---------------------------- *Dispatch entry Service Caroline, home reps --------------- ------------- ---------------------------- *Logistics Parts Service/Mfg. (Sandi), Gina, Caroline Locations, stocking Service/Mfg. (Ron, Clovis, Sandi) Requisitions Service/Mfg. Caroline, Dan --------------- ------------- ---------------------------- *Customers Contracts/types Sales Gina Sites/types Sales/Service Gina, Caroline --------------- ------------- ---------------------------- *Engineering/Support Service Engineers Ron, Keith Region codes Ron, Keith Skill codes Ron, Keith, Caroline Labor activity codes (Ron, Keith), Caroline Labor rate codes (Ron, Keith), Caroline, Gina --------------- ------------- ---------------------------- *Accounting Sales/Acctg. General ledger Gina, Pat Invoicing Gina, Pat Inventory Pat Payroll ??? (optional interface) Expenses ??? (optional interface) --------------- ------------- ----------------------------