-*- Mode:Text -*- ;;; Release 4 bug log file +++ 001 kmc 7/22/87 122.0 "si:set-sys-host goes off looking for dj, lad" Maybe this is just an artifact of having Cambridge site files loaded... But when I booted the first "bare 4.0 band", I did (si:set-sys-host "lm" nil nil "lowell-site;") to load our site files, and system did Net Connects to DJ, then LAD. I have to try saving a band with vanilla site files (after I get the 4.0 sources). --- 001 +++ 002 kmc 7/22/87 122.0 "need TV:MORE-PROCESSING-GLOBAL-ENABLE turned on" Be sure to do (setq tv:more-processing-global-enable t) before saving the next band. --- 002 +++ 003 kmc 7/22/87 122.0 "Can't mail messages" Can't mail any ZMail messages; get either "invalid format command" with the string "~\time~\" in it, or logical pathname for "sys:zwei;defs" receives a :CAR message which is invalid. --- 003 +++ 004 kmc 7/22/87 122.0 "Can't print to :laser1" Can't print at all -- get error similar to #3 involving "~\time~\" format ctl string. Missing from SYS:IO;FORMAT ??? What else??? (DEFFORMAT TIME (:ONE-ARG) (UT IGNORE) (TIME:PRINT-UNIVERSAL-TIME UT)) --- 004 +++ 005 kmc 7/22/87 122.0 "File made in 4.0 looks clobbered in 3.0" Used Ztop mode to insert result of (print-herald) into a file. Saved that buffer. Then read file in 3.0; groups of character strings on each line are repeated twice.??? --- 005