DISTRIBUTION ------------ Bill Campbell Dan Remeika Sandi Stewart Clovis Regis Ron Genest Caroline Rollins Gina Pallozzi David Lee MEMORANDUM TO: Distribution FROM: Keith Corbett DATE: March 27, 1987 SUBJ: 3.0 S/W Manufacturing - Action Items Bill Campbell, Sandi Stewart, Dan Remeika, and I met yesterday to discuss ways to revamp and re-establish procedures for shipping 3.0 software. Attached is a summary of the action items we agreed upon, with some discussion of the procedures we will continue to follow. We also agreed to meet on an ongoing basis to discuss the status of this effort. All others concerned are invited to attend these meetings, which will be held each Tuesday at 11:00 or immediately after the Manufacturing / Sales shipment meeting. The 3.0 software under discussion includes LISP and Unix upgrade kits, plus the LISP options. TCP and Laser1+ are available now for shipment; Vista and Iris are pending on final S/W support review; the 3.1 Patch update is in beta test. KMC Attachment 3.0 S/W MANUFACTURING -- ACTION ITEMS ASSIGNED 1. SHIP-TO LISTS The ship-to lists are generated from a Customer Service database. The two lists are 1) a "customer list" (with an entry for each customer), and 2) a "backorder report" quantifying kits that remain to be shipped. Actions/procedures include: a) Dan will provide all packing lists since 12/86 to Sandi; Sandi will pull out the ones including 3.0 S/W (upgrade kits, options); Sandi and Keith will update the ship-to database and generate new reports. b) Keith will coordinate maintenance of the ship-to database, with Sandi trained as backup. Additions to the list (i.e., new customers, new orders) should be provided to Bill and Keith, subject to discussion at the weekly meeting. c) Keith will provide copies of the backorder report weekly; copies will be available at the weekly meeting. Copies of the customer list will be available upon request. 2. SHIPPING PAPERWORK a) Sandi will supervise the generation of shipping lists and labels. The paperwork will be generated as if to complete all the projected shipments, one request per customer. The packing form will include the database customer code used for tracking. b) Sandi will hold on to the shipping requests which require further approval (e.g., customers on hold for T&M status pending receipt of media charges). Ron Genest will go through the forms to pull out orders for sites that have not been retrofitted. On an ongoing basis, Sandi will provide the approved ship requests to Dan for processing and shipping. c) To accomodate any short-ships in the future, Dan will return the paperwork to Sandi, who will arrange to have a new form prepared for the available shipment plus a form for the remainder to ship in the future. d) After filling an order, or at least by Friday each week, Dan will give the Customer Service copies of the shipping form to Keith, who will use them to update the database and pass them to Dispatch for filing. e) Requests from the field or from customers for replacement tapes will be handled by Dispatch through normal RMA procedures. To get a replacement, the requestor must specify the part number(s), which Dispatch will enter on a shipping request. f) Sandy will prepare special paperwork (e.g. customs forms) as needed. 3. INVENTORY Dan will maintain an inventory listing for 3.0 materials, similar to the board report. A copy will be provided to Keith weekly for his use in determining what quantities of what tapes to duplicate. 4. MATERIALS a) Bill C. will follow up on the check request for blank tapes and future requests, e.g. printing, supplies. b) Dan contacted our previous printer to determine what payment they will require to print additional 3.0 manuals. They want the overdue installment payments and C.O.D., total about $6100. c) Keith will, if necessary, work with other printers to qet quotes on 3.0 manuals. d) Dan will find out how many LMI document cover sheets we have in stock. 5. ECO'S / RELEASES a) Keith will monitor the 3.1 patch beta test, and perform the final "sanity check" on Vista and Iris tapes. b) Keith and Sandi will finish writing the following ECO's: - Laser1+ - Vista - Iris - 3.1 patches Sandi will walk the final ECO's around for approval when they are ready, and enter them in ASK.