MEMORANDUM TO: Bill Wise FROM: Keith Corbett DATE: March 10, 1987 SUBJ: Prolog for 3.0 (again) COPY: Bruce Deffenbaugh, Bill Campbell At least one customer is still dead in the water for lack of LM-Prolog running under 3.0, and he's asked me to let him know when he will receive it. Brian Millett at McDonnell Douglas tells me that they have a major project with an expert system written in Prolog; they want to port it to the Lambda. Edmund Hack at Lockheed (NASA) is the only other customer who has inquired since 3.0 came out. He told me several months ago that they'd given up on their Prolog project. He also told me that they'd basically given up on working with LMI. Last summer, Mache Creeger was supposed to be pestering SICS. Who is following up now? ...To whom? I'd be happy to follow up, but I don't know who to talk to, what the agreement is, etc. Can this be addressed as soon as possible? I need to know what to tell McDonnell-Douglas. KMC