DISTRIBUTION (Field Engineering / Tech Support) ------------ Brad Bridge Matt Carey Jeff Forth Al Jepsen Terry Lee Norm Lander Ken Miller Bruce Rowland Tom Shaughnessy Ron Genest Rick Wilson Bill Powell MEMORANDUM FROM: Keith Corbett DATE: May 11, 1987 SUBJ: Funding Plan for 3.0 Software Upgrade Options No doubt many of our customers have asked you about the status of Release 3.0 software shipments. The current status, which I would like you to inform them of on your next visit, is as follows: LMI wants to do whatever is necessary to make the software available; however, under our present operating situation, this effort must, for the time being, fund itself. The strategy we devised makes it possible for those customers that are the most eager to get the software upgrades, to do so -- for a fee. The prices to T&M customers are based on normal industry practice of charging a premium to customers who are not on a software contract. Contract customers are offered a chance to order their upgrades, ON A PRIORITY BASIS, for a nominal (media and manufacturing) charge. Their alternative is to wait until such time in the future when LMI will, we hope, have the money to cover our material costs and resume contract shipments. I hope you will take the time to explain this program carefully to your customers if they inquire about software availability. Attached is a copy of the price list and ordering form; these were sent to the customers listed in our contracts database, but may not have filtered down to the end users. If they have questions they can call (617) 458-9100 and speak with Dave Lee or Gina Pallozzi (for ordering details) or myself (for any technical questions relating to these upgrades). Please let us know if you have any leads from customers who would like to participate in this program. KMC Attachments