MEMORANDUM TO: Pat Kareiva FROM: Keith Corbett DATE: April 24, 1987 SUBJ: 3.0 Software Upgrade - Preliminary Cost / Requirement Estimates COPY: Clovis Regis, Dan Remeika, David Lee Following is a summary of short- and long-term materials requirements for release 3.0 software upgrade kits. Attached is a more detailed list of how many kits we need and my best cost estimate. These estimates need to be confirmed by Dan Remeika; and since I am not much of an accountant, I would appreciate it if Dan and Clovis would double-check my numbers. Also, I haven't factored in shipping costs (I don't know what that would come to). The "short term cost" in the table below is for a run of manuals that would match the tapes we have on-hand (or can duplicate with scrap tapes). The "long term cost" is a projection of total costs based on maximum foreseeable demand. SOFTWARE SHORT-TERM LONG TERM KIT COSTS COSTS -------- ---------- --------- LISP $ 600 $ 7500 TCP/IP $ 150 $ 1750 Laser1+ $ 100 - Vista/Iris $ 250 $ 1250 Patch $ 100 $ 3000 ----- ----- $1200 $13500 So, for $1200 we can get some manuals printed and have enough kits on-hand to meet short-term demand. Then we need to raise about $12300 plus shipping costs to complete 3.0 software shipments. KMC Attachment PROJECTED MATERIALS REQUIREMENTS AND COSTS FOR 3.0 SOFTWARE UPGRADES For each software upgrade, I have summarized the requirements to complete all shipments, then stated the more immediate requirements. In other words, in each category there is a short-term plan that would provide the maximum benefit for the least expense. My assumption for tape costs is that we can procure tapes for $15 each and continue to duplicate them on the VAX for $5 labor. If/when the VAX breaks down, we may have to go outside for duplication at $20. This would raise the cost of 3.0 alone by over $3400. 1. 3.0 LISP The most immediate requirement is for 3.0 upgrade kits. There are about 70 customer sites which have not received any 3.0 software. The maximum number of kits required (one per system) is about 100. Based on an estimated cost per documentation set of $30, the total cost of completing the 3.0 shipments is approximately: Item qty needed cost ---- ---------- ---- band tape 75 1500 source tape 75 1500 sys5 boot tape 50 1000 reg. boot tape 25 500 -- ---- 225 tapes $4500 doc set 100 docs $3000 ---- Total $7500 Pro-rating this, the cost per kit is $95; with shipping, roughly $110. We have enough tapes on hand for about 20 kits, but we are completely out of several manuals, and other quantities are very low. Our most critical need is for documentation; with another run of manuals we could have about 20 kits on hand. This would cost us about $600 and would enable us to continue to respond to urgent requests. 2. TCP/IP We need 54 kits to complete shipment. There is one tape ($20) plus two manuals (about $15) for a kit cost of about $35. We need 50 more tapes ($1000) and 50 doc sets ($750) for a total need of $1750. Short-term we need about 10 doc sets at $150. 3. LASER1+ We need 10 more copies of the manual to complete shipments. At $10 per manual the estimated cost is $100. 4. VISTA/IRIS We need about 25 Vista and Iris kits. A kit (actually two kits, but almost every customer bought both together) consists of two tapes for maximum cost of $1000. A combined doc set costs about $10 for maximum cost of $250. Total maximum cost is then $1250. Short-term we need only the doc sets, which we should print all at once, for $250. 5. 3.1 PATCH UPDATE Every LISP customer should have one, so we will need at most 120 kits. The kit is one tape at $20 plus one manual at $5 for kit cost of $25. Maximum total cost is thus $3000. We should have one kit per FE plus 10-15 customers. Printing costs for 20 manuals would be about $100.