To install and load SPELL, the Lisp Machine spelling checker: 1. Compile and load: (compile-file "sys:zwei;spell-check") You will probably get thrown into the error handler because the "SPELL:" package doesn't exist. Press [RESUME] to proceed. Compiling SPELL-CHECK will make the installation/load go much faster (in our case, 5 minutes instead of 45). (load "sys:zwei;spell-check") When prompted whether to "Load the dictionary?", answer "Y". If something goes wrong with the load, correct the problem or call for help. Then, to retry the load, execute (spell:load-dictionary) 2. Test in the Listener: If the load has succeeded you can test the spelling checker function: (spell:spell-word "ok") => "ok" (spell:spell-word "kermit") => ("permit" "hermit") (spell:spell-word "fozzbot") => NIL The word "ok" is properly spelled, so SPELL-WORD returns the word as is. The word "kermit" is not in the dictionary, but SPELL-WORD suggests the alternatives "permit" and "hermit". The word "fozzbot" is unknown, and not related to a known word. 3. Checking the spelling of a word in ZMACS: The SPELL command checks the spelling of a single word in a ZMACS buffer, and optionally fixes the spelling for you. In an edit buffer (*Buffer-1* will do), type in a normal word -- we'll use "hello" as an example. Leave the cursor on the word, or in the space after, and press META-SHIFT-4 (also known as META-$). You should see, in the bottom pane, "Checking the spelling of hello." Below that you should see "Found it." That means the spelling of the word passed. If you check the spelling of "fozzbot" you will see "Checking the spelling of fozzbot. Couldn't find it." That means the spelling was not approved. If you check the spelling of a word that is ambiguous -- that is, there are words in the dictionary that are close but not the same -- SPELL offers a menu of alternatives. If you choose one of these options, SPELL will edit the misspelled word, then offer to query/replace (ZMACS for "search and substitute") any other occurrences of the misspelled word. rong