Dear ---- The management of GIGAMOS Systems Inc. (GSI) [????] is pleased to announce that it has acquired substantially all of the assets of LISP Machine, Inc. (LMI). We have been incorporated as a new organization with all of the resources of LMI, and with the support of our parent company (GIGAMOS [???]), for the purpose of continuing the progress LMI has made in symbolic processing technology and AI applications. Our primary goal currently is to make a smooth transition so that we may maintain and protect LMI's customers' investment in this technology. This letter is to inform you, our valued customer, that GSI is open for business as the supplier and service provider for Lambda systems that you have purchased. We are in the process of reviewing the existing license and maintenance agreements, with the intent of continuing the standard services LMI has provided to you. More specific details on contracts and services will be forthcoming soon. Again, we want to assure you of our committment to providing the service and upgrade options that will make your investment in Lambda systems even more successful. Customer Service field operations remain in place, and the Customer Technical Support and business office groups are available to assist you. Our telephone number in Lowell, Mass. is (617)458-9100; please contact us regarding any questions you may have. Sincerely, ????