(HARDCOPY-FILE "IT:KEITH;CARNEGIE-HAPPY.TEXT" :PAGE-HEADINGS NIL) MEMORANDUM TO: Bob Moore FROM: Keith Corbett DATE: July 17, 1986 SUBJ: Carnegie Group -- Port Going Well COPY: John Salis John Salis suggested I pass along some favorable comments I received from Dario Guise regarding the Knowledge Craft project. Please forward this to the appropriate individuals. As I understand it, Dario is a consultant for the Carnegie Group who is responsible for porting Knowledge Craft to the Lambda on a consignment system. He has called me several times to get help on various system management questions, and I took the opportunity to ask him how the port is proceeding, and how he felt about the Lambda (especially compared to the Symbolics, which he is very familiar with). Apparently Dario has one week to do the port, and as of yesterday he said that the project is going very well. He had been somewhat concerned about window system compatibility, but he was able to convert the code in less than two days. Overall, he has had no problems with the Lambda. In general he found the software "very comparable" to the Symbolics, and he was able to get up to speed on the Lambda very quickly. System performance (speed) also appears to be comparable. Predictably, compilation seems to take a little longer on the Lambda, but the program loads more quickly. Yesterday he inquired about making the Lambda communicate with their VAX; we were able to bring them together on Chaosnet in a half hour. I think all of LMI (and prospects) should be aware of these kinds of successes, since our software environment and Common-Lisp portability are major selling features of our product. This is a real success story for the Lisp Machine! KMC