-*- Mode:Text -*- (hardcopy-file "lm:keith;carnegie-concerns.text" :page-headings nil :file-heading nil) MEMORANDUM TO: John Salis FROM: Keith Corbett DATE: July 10, 1986 SUBJ: LMI - Carnegie Group Cooperative Marketing Agreement Cheryl Walsh's memo dated 6/30 describes an announcement to be released today. The attached press release states that "under the terms of the agreement, both LMI and Carnegie will ... cooperate in customer support [and] training ..." I am concerned about the wording and content of this announcement. Does it mean that LMI Customer Service is involved in the support of Carnegie's product? Clearly, we are not geared up to support the product, Knowledge Craft. We haven't even been involved in the discussions, have never seen the product, and do not have the resources to take it on. We aren't even really in a position to provide OEM support to Carnegie's own staff. This kind of support is very different, more involved, and requires a different kind of specialist expertise than the kind of customer end-user support we currently provide. Perhaps the agreement alludes to an arrangement between Carnegie and sales support, or Engineering? I hope that I am simply reading too much into this memo, and that these considerations were addressed by Marketing in their discussions with Carnegie. I would appreciate a clarification from them.