MEMORANDUM TO: John Salis, Sid Schwartz FROM: Keith Corbett DATE: October 3, 1986 SUBJ: Bendix TCP/IP Setup COPY: Paul Mazzarella, Jonathan Pierce Dr. Burne (Bendix Aerospace) would like to connect their new system to the old one via TCP/IP. They are currently running with separate site files on the two systems, and only one Ethernet tap. This setup was requested by Dr. Burne on our last visit; apparently his needs have changed. Given the problems with site files at Bendix in the past, I don't think we can accomplish what they want with support over the telephone. Here are the steps I recommend: 1. We need a printout of the site files on the new system. They are in "RELEASE-3.BENDIX.SITE;". I recommend that Jonathan visit Dr. Burne and a) hook up their HP laser to the new system temporarily b) hardcopy-file the following site files: - HOSTS.TEXT - SITE.LISP - LMLOCS.LISP - SYS.TRANSLATIONS We also need to know: a) Whether they want to keep separate site files on the two systems, or make the new system the system host for both 2.0 and 3.0 Lisp sources, etc. I recommend keeping separate system hosts; it could be more reliable, and won't require reloading sources on both machines. b) What host names they want to use. This is important: if their code has explicit host-name references to "lama" and "lamb", we don't want to break anything. Paul may have other questions which Jonathan can discuss with Dr. Burne. 2. Paul will take the printouts and mark the changes we recommend. 3. Jonathan should go back on-site to complete the software modifications: a) Modify the site files on both the new and old system so that they agree b) Verify that the two systems can talk c) Make new bands from vanilla software on the old system, and save a new band on the new system We will of course be available to Jonathan to assist him with any problems. I am requesting that Sales intervene in this process because Bendix does not have anyone on-site with adequate training or knowledge to manage the system, and because Dr. Burne has changed his mind several times about what he wants. We don't want to go through any more iterations like this. Jonathan is in a better position to manage this account in person. This is an opportunity for him to work with the customer and teach someone there how to handle site files. KMC