close messages to lmfl-format opened streams. dont search for filemark if status is :eof. free the dma buffer and other deinits before searching for filemark. magtape list files has not unwind protect, therefore the seting plist to nil in ::close. doesnt have the required effect in case of abort. however Reusing the *selected-format* without sending it some kind of :clearup message sounds like a bad idea. does it have to be reused? just recons it each time needed. Functions depend on variables that arent set until the tape frame is created. *selected-format* (rewind et al) *default-disk-unit* tape:restore-files The saved-plist stuff in lmfl-format is troublesome: * functions such as fs:mt-rewind send a :rewind message directly to the device, out from under the lmf-format handler that may be pointing to that device. Any side effect like out must reset the format in some way.